Dominican Republic part III, Los Haitises

Our next excursion took us to Los Haitises. We booked a boat tour through Viator but we had to find the way there ourselves. The first part of the road was beautifully hilly lined with palm trees. We went through small villages where the locals still used horsepower for traveling or guarding the cows. Have you ever driven through a herd of cows walking on the road? That is an adventure itself.


At some point we ended up on a dirt road (a disaster really!) with no signs, driving up and down looking for the entrance of the nature reserve. Locals were passing by on their moped offering their services, but there was the language barrier, and we did not want to break the car either. Eventually, we went all the way to the end of the dirt road and it turned out those locals were indeed our guides.  We were one hour late for our appointment, but because there were no other tourists at all they kept waiting for us.

In Los Haitises Nature Reserve there are several caves, mangrove forests, and karst formations that define the landscape. Frigate birds and brown pelicans breed on the rocky islands in the Bay of Samana.

Taíno petroglyphs in Los Haitises National Park


Dominican Republic Part IV, snorkeling