The Skies
We love to travel and to make photos. Travel is no option at the moment, but capturing the night skies is a new adventures for us. Let’s see how this works out!

Getting a telescope!
Having spent a few weeks experimenting with our camera and wide-angle photography, we decided it is time to get a bit more serious and invest

Moon and Mars
How to capture the beauty of a planet that dominates the night sky, and it is so bright that even its reflection can be seen

An observatory in the forest
These buildings in the Dwingelderveld Heide, next to the Dwingeloo Radio Telescope, host two astronomical institutes. ASTRON is the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, and it

The Dwingeloo Radio Telescope and the Milky Way
Visitors of Dwingelderveld all stop by and admire the Dwingeloo Radio Telescope, whether they are walking, cycling, or horse riding in the neighborhood. But they

Havelte Hunebed D54
For one of our first projects “in the wild”, we went to visit the Havelte hunebeds D53 and D54, our favourites. These 5000-years structures provide

Andromeda galaxy – first try
Following the experience with Comet NEOWISE, and the relatively short exposures one can make with a simple tripod+DSLR camera combination (500 rule!), back in the

Comet Neowise in 2020
More precisely, C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE), the comet that made most of us astrophotographers this year, even if for a short while. It was a stunning

Highway to heaven
This is our adventure in starting with astrophotography. We are full of plans to travel all around the world to take wonderful pictures of faraway