The Skies
We love to travel and to make photos. Travel is no option at the moment, but capturing the night skies is a new adventures for us. Let’s see how this works out!

The hottest stars in the sky
Some like it hot! The most massive stars have very high surface temperatures, and they can even make the surrounding interstellar gas glow. Stars can

Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes
Galaxies and supermassive black holes are intimately related: every galaxy has one in its center. Galaxies are the greatest structures that can be formed by

Hunt for Minor Planets: Psyche under the Pirate Moon
The Pirate Moon Cluster is an open star cluster much more evolved than the ones in the Orion and the Rosette Nebula, and even the

Orion Nebula: the winter marvel
The Orion Nebula can be found to the south of Orion’s Belt, in the constellation Orion. It is a diffuse nebula in the Milky Way,

Flaming Star – The Sky is on Fire!
When working on the atomic bomb in 1942, Edward Teller (fellow Hungarian) raised the possibility that a nuclear explosion might actually ignite the whole atmosphere.

Delving into narrow-band imaging: the Rosette Nebula
The Rosette Nebula is an H-II region in the constellation Monoceros. The nebula is associated with an open cluster whose stars light up the nebula. The

Pleiades – Tales written in the stars
According to Greek mythology, the Pleiades represents seven sisters of Atlas, who was busy holding the skies together and could not take care of them.

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 2020
Advertised as the Bethlehem star of 2020, this event attracted attention from all over the world. The truth is, conjunctions (when two planets appear more

Andromeda, again!
We could not wait to test our new telescope! We set it up in our backyard. Unfortunately, a streetlight directly shines in, and our narrow-band filter